Game Design

Learn to Create Your Virtual World.

Bolster your child’s creativity and passion to design the apps of the next generation, and even learn the inner workings of the software that powers our daily lives.

Our programme is designed to allow beginners to immerse themselves into the world of game and software creation. Students will learn how to create their very own games from scratch, covering the design process from start to finish – from conceptualising to programming, designing, and building their worlds. Lessons will be supplemented with lectures on topics regarding game design to give students more insight and build their repertoire of design knowledge.

Students in our game design program will learn and make use of these tools used in the games and software industry:

  • Unity – Industry Game Engine (Used in Genshin Impact, Pokemon, Cities Skylines)

  • Unreal Engine – Industry Game Engine (Used in Fortnite, PUBG, Final Fantasy)

  • Visual Studio – World-class Coding IDE

  • Blender – 3D Software

The programme consists of several modules, each with a different focus on an aspect of game design. These modules will conclude with a student project that allows them to apply their knowledge and take home a portfolio piece. Lessons are taken in terms of 10 sessions each, with a major project every other term to allow students to apply their learnings and test their competency.

Our programme is taught by MOE registered instructors with experience from the games and software industry. Suitable for ages 13 and up.

Student Works & Testimonials

View our showcase of our student’s projects and testimonials.

Programme Outline Sample

Modules for the programme include, but are not limited to:

A student platformer game.

3D Platformer Game

An Introduction module that lets students get a basic understanding of how modern 3D games are created in an industry engine.

  • 3D Space, Vectors, and Rotation

  • Understanding Basic Game Physics

  • Understanding Game Programming – Game Ticks, Updates and Inputs

  • Level Design Theory

  • 3D Asset Usage

A student board game.

Board Game

This module is designed to allow students to understand how to create engaging games at their core, without relying on technology.

  • Understanding Core Gameplay Mechanics

  • Playtesting and Iteration Process

  • Designing Systems and Player-vs-Player Dynamics

A student console action game.

Console Action Game

Students will use their experiences in previous modules to design and craft their very own action game, building and optimising gameplay for controller play.

  • Game Controls UX

  • Combat Design

  • World Building

  • Custom 3D Assets Building

A student mobile FPS game.

Mobile Game Development

Students will learn and understand the pipeline for developing mobile games, learning how to utilise the mobile devices for their games.

  • Mobile Technologies and Runtimes

  • UI Flow and Design

  • Touchscreen Handling and UX

  • Mobile Limitations and Optimizations