Student Portfolio

Stuart Seah

I am a very curious person. I have always been interested in many things, things which eventually became my hobbies. Of these things, the more prominent ones are programming, music & art, and design.

I have always had an interest in programming and design. Programming has allowed me to explore the possibilities for design, and design has allowed me to express myself the way I want. As such, I really took interest in coding.

In my free time, I like to explore the possibilities for coding. This included animation and game design. I spent a lot of my time gawking at the incredible creations of other people on the internet. Eventually, when I took notice of a python programming course near my home, I asked my parents to enroll me in it. After the company that did the python course moved away, they introduced me to ThinkCode, and that was when I started learning game design.

ThinkCode has been able to teach me many useful skills in game design, and has been able to give me an insight into the game industry. I always enjoyed every course, as there was always something new and interesting to learn. Not only was the content good, the trainers were also more than competent. I might be biased, but I genuinely have nothing but good things to say about this place.

Game Project 1


Project Write-Up by Stuart


Board Game Project

Generic Battle Strategy Game

A strategy board game based on mech combat, created for our board game module.
Used as a learning point for spatial mechanics, combat systems, and PvP balance.

Project Write-Up by Stuart
