Student Portfolio

Nicholas Chan

I am Nicholas Chan and am currently learning game design and programming using Unity.

I garnered interest in this subject as I got interested in gaming when I was 12 but I felt like these games could be made better. Hence, I felt like understanding concepts in game design and programming so I could make the kind of game that I would enjoy. Moreover, I find it interesting how game designers apply different concepts to their games to make it a more enjoyable experience.

Becoming a student at ThinkCode has given me the opportunity to create projects and games that interest me and try to apply my thoughts on gaming in a practical way.

Game Project 1

The Elf’s Arena

Project Write-Up by Nicholas

For one of my projects, I made a autobattler game that is similar to super auto pets where units are deployed in threes. However, my take is round-based and it utilises not just unique units, but also unique items. It was an interesting experience as In was able to use concepts that I believe people would find fun in an autobattler.

Board Game Project

Containment Crisis

Project Write-Up by Nicholas

This is a supernatural themed board game where you either play as the only anomaly player or 1 of 2 human players. Full of cards with different roles and abilities. Deal damage, traverse across the board, stop your enemies dead in their tracks or move them back! Overcome your enemies and save the world! Or perhaps destroy it…

The theme of the game is heavily inspired by the fictional SCP universe, which is a collaborative wiki of supernatural creatures. I chose the supernatural theme as I thought it would be able to enhance gameplay elements and I can be more creative with how I want the game to be played. This along with the hexagonal board are choices I made to make the game more dynamic and allow more player creativity.

I chose to have the 1 anomaly player be more powerful than a human player and have 2 human players as I think it would fit with the theme as the anomaly should be depicted as unpredictable and powerful. I made some cards exclusive to only a certain type of player to ensure that the game is balanced. I had certain cards debuff the enemies through moving them back or removing their turn to make the game more dynamic.

Game Project 2: Work-in-Progress Milestone


Project Write-Up by Nicholas

The current project I am working on is a movement first-person shooter game which currently has wallrunning and double jumping inspired from the game Titanfall 2. I plan to include dashing and a grappling hook to provide more movement options to the player. I made this game as I enjoyed first - person shooter games which had movement options as it felt satisfying to move around fluidly. Therefore, I decided to make a game inspired by these similar games that I have played before.